Why are Heart Attacks on a rise?

For the last several decades, Heart attacks are becoming increasingly common. Aging had been the biggest risk factor, typically affecting men 50+ and women 65+. But the scenario has completely changed. Now, people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are more often falling victim to these cardiovascular attacks. Therefore, it is extremely important to bring about a few changes in your lifestyle since it is the most effective key to manage your heart health and lead a healthy life.

A heart attack also called a myocardial infarction or Cardiovascular Failure occurs when the bloodstream to the heart is obstructed. Today 1 out of 4 deaths occur due to heart attack and stroke. By 2030, it is estimated to affect 2.3 Crore people in India.

The wide array of heart diseases or CVD incorporates numerous conditions, with heart attacks and strokes representing 80% of them. Both of these are firmly related, and have similar root and risk factors, as stated beneath-

1. Unhealthy Food Preferences

With expanded meat assortments, more processed and greasy foods, high preservatives foodstuff, there is a more prominent measure of cholesterol in the food varieties today. This prompts unsaturated fats and fatty oils in the blood. As it goes through the veins, the languid fat cells get deposited at the walls of the veins. With an increase in fat intake, their size increases and grows up to completely restrict the blood flow. In case the organ to be provided blood is the heart, then it results in cardiovascular failure or stroke respectively.

2. Stationary Lifestyle.

Another significant contributor is the decreased physical work activities of people. If you are physically active your body will make sure you burn up the fatty acids. When a person is not physically active or working out, the fat deposition in their veins increases which may further lead to serious conditions like a heart attack or a stroke.

3. Obesity

Expanding waistlines are a pointer of future heart-related issues. Keep a check on the BMI index and the obesity meter. Increased weight causes more damage to the body. Changes need to be made to control weight to keep heart diseases away.

4. Family History

In case someone in your family or close relatives have had a heart attack or a stroke, then you are likely to get it too. Heart diseases play a great role in genetic factors and can be passed down through heredity.

5. Age

While men more than age 45 and ladies more than 55 years old were considered in danger before, presently the effective age group has changed. Generally, people in their late 30 are being a victim of heart failure and this pattern will only change if people actively make lifestyle changes.


Diabetes, obesity, heart attacks are all correlated and often affect the individual as a group disease. If you or anyone around you is suffering from Diabetes, special care of their heart needs to be taken since they are more prone to cardiac arrest.

7. Blood Pressure Levels

If an individual's blood pressure level gets shot suddenly or is constantly elevated, that person is at high risk of being affected by a heart attack.

Either way, we need to focus more on prevention by adopting a healthy lifestyle. The world is focusing more on healthy eating even for their children to avoid the risk of heart-related issues at a young age.

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